Blackboard Inc. has formulated a new plan to reenergize the future of their software by creating Project NG. Project NG seeks to expand Blackboard by making it more engaging for users as well as incorporating Web CT which is recently acquired.
Project NG has been revamped to be accessible for those in grades K through 12, College, as well as those in the Professional phase while making it fully customizable to fit one’s preference.
The new dynamic and innovating changes that will be showcased in the new Project NG will be seen in the user interface, easy tab navigation and the ability to add content from external links from other Web 2.0 applications.
Project NG will allow future users to have all courses listed and displayed in one module, and will not have to search for them. The Courses page will also feature a calendar displaying important dates as they pertain to individual classes. Not only will this be an addition, but another added bonus will be the featured language support which allows courses to be hosted in 14 different languages. Another anticipated advancement is Blackboard’s integration with other course management systems such as Moodle and Sakai. With this feature, one can access all of their courses on one page with 1 single log-in which will link to all courses and allow them to run at the same time. Students will also be able to communicate through chat along with discussion boards.
Instructor will also receive benefits from Project NG, where they will be able to track student performance, as well at monitor those who don’t log in on an active basis and those who turn in late assignments. Lesson Planning Tools and Test Grading will become easier as well, decreasing on the number of windows seen on the screen and being able to navigate through tests and grades on one page. Instructors will now be able to edit and modify tests by being able to choose from different question types as well as rearranging question by a simple “drag and drop” method. The “safe assign” allows instructors to view students’ submitted work and compares them which detects acts of plagiarism in their writings.
While email has been the preferred method of communication between students and instructors, Project NG will feature Voice Messages as well as Text Messaging.
here for more info.